First of all, I think that senior managers such as deputy ministers will take audit reports very seriously. I hope the report card we have provided today indicates that we have taken the last report very seriously.
Second, as the Auditor General has said, the ability of deputies to respond to these reports is limited by a number of factors, one of which is the availability of financial wherewithal to be able to do some of these things. There are the internal regulations and negotiations that are often required to deal with them. These may affect the speed with which some of these things are done.
Then finally, there could well be the Auditor General coming back and having another look at human resources a year or so down the road to see how we responded to that report; that's a form of sanction, I guess, if you say you're going to get a report card. There's this committee's work, which is certainly ensuring that these reports are followed up with action and so on. Finally, within the government there is what the Auditor General referred to: the performance review systems, which are pretty clear as to what public servants are expected to do when faced with a challenge like this.