Thank you, Mr. Chair.
It's a lot of information to try to digest in a short period of time after someone has spent a year or more trying to look at it. One of the points made here, and I guess it's been going on for a long time, is that the so-called finance minister has been criticized for underestimating the possible surplus. We seem to have some assurances, from previous discussions in the House and from criticisms of previous finance ministers, that it is a deliberate attempt on his part or on the department's part to underestimate revenues.
I see that we have alluded to that again this morning. Is there a better method, or is it a deliberate attempt to...? I think most of us, in our households, like to have an underestimate. What, Mr. Monette, would you suggest would be a better way of doing it so that our present finance minister is not making the same mistake his party accused previous governments of making?