I would do my best, Mr. Williams. If I may, Mr. Chairman, Mr. Williams, I have two observations. One is that, as you point out, the Comptroller General is responsible for an accounting treatment. The government's response to one of your previous reports said that if there's a difference in an opinion on an accounting treatment, that would be put in writing. It would be put to the Secretary of the Treasury Board, the President of the Treasury Board, and if it's not resolved, it will go to the Auditor General.
I think this is going to give it some pretty significant profile. I think most deputy ministers around town will pay attention to that.
I guess my other observation is that, as kind of a general principle, over the years I've been in many positions where I've received legal opinions. It's still up to the person who is accountable for that file to do the right thing. Legal opinion is important and you have to factor it in, but it's not always the end of the day.