We're going to call the meeting to order. Welcome to everyone here.
Colleagues, this meeting is called, pursuant to the Standing Orders, to discuss and review the Public Accounts of Canada 2007, the summary report and financial statements for the Government of Canada for the fiscal period ending March 31, 2007, which are probably the most important set of documents we will review. The Government of Canada takes in and spends approximately $220 billion each and every year, and this is the summary of the revenue and the expenditures, as audited by our officer, the Auditor General of Canada.
We're very pleased to have with us again, Sheila Fraser, the Auditor General. I'm going to have you introduce your officials, Mrs. Fraser.
We are very pleased to have, from the Treasury Board Secretariat, Rodney Monette, who's the interim Comptroller General. This is his first appearance in that capacity before this committee. I want to congratulate you on your position and welcome you to the committee. And of course we have the assistant comptroller general, John Morgan, and Bill Matthews, the acting executive director of financial management and analysis sector. Both Mr. Morgan and Mr. Matthews have been before the committee many times previously.
Representing the Department of Finance, we have Mr. Paul Rochon, the assistant deputy minister, economic and fiscal policy branch.
So without any delay, I believe Mr. Sweet has a motion that was approved.... No, I can't do it because we don't have a quorum. Sorry, we'll do that later on, Mr. Sweet.
I'm going to turn the matter over to you, Mrs. Fraser. Again, welcome. I'll ask you to introduce your officials.