Those were two quite definite targets.
We did not have definite targets in the case of greening procurement. It was more aspirational towards departments to green their purchases of goods and services, working on it with PWGSC as we were working with suppliers to determine what could be available in the market and what was realistic for departments to buy. We were not specific in that regard.
That did not mean departments were not establishing specific targets of their own. One can imagine, for example, our situation as leaders in this area. Do we, through our guidance, start specifying for individual departments what they should be doing and what levels they should be setting? We feel it's a careful balance in exercising the leadership role that we have to achieve without interfering with their accountabilities to achieve their programs.
While greening is something we're aspiring to do, it's a continuous improvement endeavour. It's still exploratory, we're still pioneering in the area, and I think we'd be cautious about being too hard and fast in dictating targets to departments. We'd rather work with them. We'd rather share what's been done in other jurisdictions or elsewhere in government and work with them so that they can determine what's appropriate for them, as opposed to having us dictate it.