I'd like to go back to his point on progress. I think we've made progress. Is it ever enough? No, it's not ever enough. But I think we're positioned to deal with the departments and to engage them really constructively over the next year to 18 months, as I mentioned.
I think we've made good progress in some of the greening of our buildings. In LEED gold, we're leaders. Parks Canada, for example, has a platinum building on Vancouver Island. There are only ten in the world. So you find initiative being taken. We can take stock of that. We can talk to other departments about potential in their buildings to do the same thing.
At Public Works we're committed to an LEED gold standard. That's a very high standard. Actually, just the other day the Jean Canfield building was opened in Charlottetown. I think that gets to the culture point you're talking about, that these buildings, built to that kind of high standard of environmental stewardship, can be an inspiration not only to others in government but also to the employees who work there and the community itself.
So there's never enough progress, perhaps, but there is progress there. We'll look at what has been made, we'll take account of best practices, we'll feed it into the next round of advice to departments and the guidance we give them, and I think we'll end up with a good, solid set of sustainable development strategies for 2009 to 2012.