Thank you very much, Mr. Chairman.
I must say I'm delighted to be here to discuss chapter 10 of our 2008 status report, tabled in Parliament on March 6.
As you mentioned, joining me at the table is Paul Morse, principal responsible for this chapter, and David Willey, lead director of this work.
As the committee knows, status reports from the Office of the Auditor General of Canada show what the departments and agencies have done to address issues the office has raised in some of its past reports. In determining whether progress on an issue is satisfactory or unsatisfactory, the office takes into account the complexity of the issue and the amount of time that has passed since the original audit.
This is the first time that a Status Report has been tabled in Parliament by a Commissioner of the Environment and Sustainable Development. It deals with the government's management of environment and sustainable development issues.
Of the fourteen chapters in our Status Report, five show satisfactory progress. However, progress in nine areas is unsatisfactory--largely because the government did not follow through on commitments it made when responding to past environment and sustainable development audits.
The first three chapters deal with chemicals management, and we were pleased to report satisfactory progress. Chapters 4 through 7 focus on ecosystems, and we have rated progress as unsatisfactory. Chapters 8, 9 and 10 relate to management tools and, once again, we have rated progress as unsatisfactory. Chapters 11 to 14 look at actions taken in response to environmental petitions; for two of these audits we have reported satisfactory progress and for the other two, unsatisfactory progress.
I would like to now turn to chapter 10, which I understand the committee is particularly interested in. This chapter looks at selected aspects of how the government has gone about greening its operations. Our audit revealed that as Canada's largest employer, purchaser, and landowner, the government has a long way to go before it can claim to be a leader in this area. Although progress has been made in greening the government's new commodity management approach to procurement, guidance for departments to use in preparing their sustainable development strategies is weak.
These strategies are tabled in Parliament every three years by federal departments. They are intended to inform Parliament about the significant social, economic, and environmental impacts associated with the department's policies and programs and how each department plans to address them. The latest strategies were tabled in December of 2006 and the next round is due in December of 2009.
In conducting this audit, we examined guidance for building energy, vehicle fleet emissions, and green procurement, which were the priority areas agreed to by officials for the 2006 sustainable development strategies. We found that guidance was timid at best. Targets were not specific or mandatory, were open to interpretation, and reiterated previous objectives. Not surprisingly, the government is not in a position to know what progress is being made in greening its overall operations.
We point out that other countries have adopted quite a different approach. For example, in the United Kingdom and also in the United States, top-down direction on greening is given to government departments from the highest levels. We recommended that Public Works and Government Services Canada, PWGSC, in consultation with the Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat, Environment Canada, and others clarify leadership and responsibility for a number of things: for providing simple direction and guidance to departments on greening their operations; for establishing meaningful and aggressive government-wide targets; and for developing a government-wide strategy for monitoring and reporting results. PWGSC agreed with our recommendation.
Mr. Chairman, this hearing is particularly timely given that guidance for the December 2009 round of sustainable development strategies will likely need to be finalized over the next few months The Committee may wish to ask departmental officials about the progress they are making in clarifying leadership and responsibility issues; strengthening guidance for building energy, vehicle fleet emissions and green procurement; and expanding guidance to cover other areas, such as waste management.
PWGSC officials have provided us with an early draft of the Department's detailed action plan to implement our recommendations. We have provided comments to the Department on this draft and made a number of suggestions to strengthen it. Although we have not conducted an audit or a full review of the draft plan, I am pleased to say, Mr. Chairman, that our suggestions have been incorporated into the Department's final version.
I am hopeful that the interests of parliamentarians through committees such as this one, Mr. Chairman, will encourage the government to strengthen its management of environment and sustainable development issues and become a recognized model of how Canadian firms and individuals can and should green their operations and their day-to-day activities.
That concludes our opening statement. We would be very pleased to answer any questions the committee may have a bit later.
Thank you, Mr. Chairman.