Thank you, Mr. Chair.
I just want to read from the text of this report, at page 6, paragraph 10.9, where Mr. Thompson writes:
The focus of this follow-up audit was to assess the progress selected departments have made in responding to the underlying issues derived from certain recommendations, observations, and commitments made in prior years with respect to certain aspects of greening government operations. The selected issues were derived primarily from our 2005 audit of green procurement while taking into account related points we have raised over the past 10 years.
I think that's what the real concern is here now in the committee, that there have been so many years go by, so many missed opportunities, and now we arrive at a situation. I know that I, for one, am going to look for real signs that change is going to happen now, because obviously there have been numerous times in the past where people have had good intentions but they've gone really nowhere.
I just want to refer to one other thing before I ask you a question. On page 9, in paragraph 10.22, the greening officials, the OGGO officials, stated at the Standing Committee on Government Operations:
As a result, we noted that of 28 mandatory departmental sustainable development strategies tabled for 2007, seven had included all the government-wide greening....
They had made it very clear that they had no capability of forcing any department to actually fulfill its obligations.
First of all, so we can understand how we arrived here, why was the guidance on greening provided by PWGSC so non-specific, and what's going to change from today's date, based on the fact that you've agreed with the recommendation, so that we have some confidence that there's going to be significant development in the path forward?