No, it hasn't, as far as I'm aware. This system has been around for seven or eight years. It's a system where there is no transparency at all. People have a salary, and then they have another salary that is called “at risk”, and most people earn their “at risk”.
In the private sector if you're at risk, you get fired. This is not well explained to parliamentarians.
On top of that “at-risk” level there is a bonus level.
As a member of the public accounts committee, I certainly think it would be in Parliament's best interest to have a look at this and explain, if nothing else, to parliamentarians exactly how it works. I don't think there would be too many people out there who can explain this. It's well hidden, because when we ask the question to members at that end of the table, basically all we get is mumbling under their breath.
You know and I know that we've asked the question of Mr. Guité and every person who came into this room, “Did you get your at-risk pay?” They replied, “Oh yes”. When asked, “Did you get your big bonus?” they replied, “Oh yes, I got my bonus”. It has no bearing on performance or results.