I don't recall a problem and I've been on the steering committee all those years too. The subcommittee can only recommend. There are no delegated powers at all other than to spend some time usually delving into details of witnesses, procedures, getting the horse in front of the cart, that sort of thing, and then it's recommended to the committee.
So again, I'm open to any changes, but I don't hear a good reason for this one and I share the concern. Right now if we get partisan...we try not to, and we really don't that often in this committee, we really don't. But when we do, we're up front about it and we say we're partisan, and then we go and do our thing. We really do try to work together, and it just makes it too easy for one of those parties to throw a wrench into the whole deal. I see no reason for that and no gain from it.
If I can, though--I'll save my change for later--it's the makeup of the committee. It will only take me 30 seconds to throw it out.
Right now, when we have a full committee, we have the chair--and I remember this from when Mr. Williams from the Conservatives was the chair, when they were the official opposition. So we would have the representatives. But what happens is that the person who is the chair ends up being expected to play two roles somehow. First, they're the chair of the subcommittee, so now the chair is playing gatekeeper to our getting the floor; that's what he or she does at subcommittee, at the steering committee. But at the same time, in the case of our current chair, Mr. Murphy, he's the only Liberal at the meeting and is expected somehow to chair the meeting and express the concerns of the Liberal caucus, and it's not even his role. In my experience, the chair is not recognized as the lead person for any of the caucuses; it's always somebody else.
So I was going to make a suggestion that we allow a member from the chair's party to be at the steering committee. So in effect you would have four representatives, one from each of the caucuses and the chair. The chair is non-partisan, just as our current chair is at this meeting.
I've found it awkward, because when we try to get a deal and it's complex and we're talking about a lot of different pieces and we finally put together a deal that we think we can all live with, the Liberals really haven't been represented from a political point of view; and when we get to the full committee, those concerns come forward and it unravels what we've done. If we had them there at the first meeting of the steering committee, we could possibly avoid those longer discussions at the full committee.
So I leave that with you. Thanks, Chair.