Thank you for the question. There are several things we've been doing as a result of our overall transformation agenda. One of them is opening up better lines of communication with all our staff across the country. As we've been going forward with various aspects of our transformation, we have been getting feedback, right from front-line staff, as to ideas they have about how we could do a practice or a procedure differently. Some of those have money implications; others do not—they are just good practices. As part of this transformation agenda, we have truly opened up the dialogue.
More directly now, as the commissioner, I get letters or e-mails on a regular basis from front-line staff, which has not been the practice in years gone by, either commenting on something we're doing or giving another suggestion. Through our transformation team, which we formed to help us move forward over the next years, we are sifting through those and looking at what options or opportunities exist, how they fit into the transformation agenda, how they fit into our financial management strategies, and even our human resource management strategies.
At the time of the audit—and I'll let the Auditor General staff speak for themselves—they would not have seen that, because we were just in the early stages of our transformation agenda.