It varies, and there's no simple answer. Let me explain.
It varies between goods and services. As an example, going from memory, the delegation between our minister and the department for services is up to $2 million to that department, to that minister. That delegation to that department can be brought down. And it's the same thing for our minister. He has a right to sign for certain contracts, as an example, of up to $20 million for a contract. Above that threshold, he has to go to Treasury Board.
The highest instance for approval of contracts or sub-elements of a contract is the Treasury Board. The second highest element is the minister. After that, it's me, and it goes down. As you go down, the number goes down, and there's a point where it doesn't go down anymore. There's a level where, if you are not one of the 1,700 managers and you haven't been trained and certified, you cannot have a delegation, because you can't exercise contracting authorities under the Financial Administration Act.
That's the way it works, and the numbers vary. It's all prescribed, and certain things are fixed between the Treasury Board and the minister. And within the department, a minister can exercise a delegation down. The same thing applies to me; I can give a delegation, or I can withdraw a delegation.