I'd like to answer the first question, as to whether there are any deadlines. Absolutely. In the context of this web of rules, an action plan was established and submitted to Messrs. Mazankowski and Tellier. A report was produced on the subject quite recently. The result—and here I'm relying on the report; I didn't put the words into their mouths—was very favourable. In that report, the authors hailed the initiative, encouraged us to continue it and to launch it again next year. That's what we would be prepared to do around springtime. We'll establish concrete, measurable objectives. At the end of the year, you'll be able to determine whether you, as the government and parliamentarians, have achieved the objectives you set for yourselves. You'll see that those targets are quite bold.
As for the second part of the question, we absolutely draw on the experience of other jurisdictions, at the provincial level, among other things. You mentioned the case of Quebec. Those of British Columbia and Alberta are very interesting in our minds. We've deployed some of our officials to go and solicit opinions and advice. We've also invited those people to talk with our people, here in the departments, but also with people from foreign governments. The secretary went to Great Britain last fall to speak with his peers. He also went to France. That country, it has to be said, is more advanced than we are in this area.