If you look at what we've done over the past year, both in the area of HR reporting and the MAF—a large assessment of the performance of departments—we've said to the small, small, folks, those with 50 people and fewer, that you don't have to send us a report to do your assessment. You don't have to fill out all the templates for the assessment requirements, but just come in for an interview and let's talk about what you're doing to ensure you're managing your resources appropriately. We can then have an assessment on the basis of a conversation, as opposed to heavy reporting.
So yes, I think you're on the right track. I think that is a way to categorize these organizations. The National Capital Commission has about 500 people, and they're regarded as a small agency. It's still small, but they can do more things than an organization with 20 people. It's true that for every hour these people are doing this kind of oversight, it's another hour taken from their mandate. That's what we always need to be cognizant of.