We are concerned. This is, I believe, the third audit we have done on the appointment process generally. We did note some improvement at one point, but the situation would appear to be back where it was with the initial audit.
There are impacts on organizations, crown corporations. Directors can continue to serve past their appointment period, which allows them to continue to function, because otherwise they probably would not have quorum at board meetings and so would not be able to function as boards of directors, but I think we can all understand that it's not a good thing to have people continuing on indefinitely without a term.
The Immigration and Refugee Board, I think, is a pretty clear example. With the increase in the backlog, it will probably be somewhere in the order of three years before a case coming in today can be heard by the board, which makes it of course a very difficult process for the individual concerned and is also costly to society.
So why these appointments aren't being made, quite frankly, I don't know. But that might be something the committee would want to take up.