Thank you very much, Mr. Saxton.
I have just a couple of issues I want to pursue, Mr. Wouters.
First of all, these are issues that have been before the committee. The first one, of course, has been the concern, and I sense there is some improvement in the tenure of deputies. The statistic I had four or five years ago was that their average tenure was a year and a half. It has been the view of this committee that these are large, complicated departments that you can't run when you are turned every year and a half. To give you an example, we've had 12 deputy ministers of Indian and Northern Affairs in the last 20 years. The Royal Bank can't operate on that basis, Shell Oil can't, and I don't think the Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development can--although, in fairness, Mr. Wernick has been there close to three years now, so that's a very positive development.
Mr. Wouters, has there been a change in the policy on this issue? I don't know the latest statistics, but this was a concern of the committee. Do you sense that there is a change in the government policy dealing with the tenure of deputy ministers?