I'd certainly be glad to tell the committee about some of the work we do internationally.
First, there is an association of all the national audit offices or equivalents from all the country members of the United Nations, which is called INTOSAI. The Office of the Auditor General of Canada has always been very active in that. We have led various committees and working groups. We are currently chairing a working group on auditing standards, and many of our staff work on international committees to develop auditing standards and accounting standards. I think the committee's aware that I'm on the international board for public sector accounting. We have led working groups on environmental auditing. We led a very large project on independence of audit offices.
In addition to that, we also work on specific projects with countries, usually in collaboration with CIDA. Currently there's a very large project going on in Mali that established an office of the auditor general there. We are providing training. We are actually in the process of sending one of our staff members there, probably for a year to 18 months, to help them with this, and we give advice and support to the auditor general there. We have worked with Russia in introducing performance audit to Russia. We have given training in China. And we have run a fellowship program, which is funded as well by CIDA, where between five and seven fellows come each year from developing countries and work within the office for nine months. I think close to 200 people have gone through that fellowship program, and actually several of them have become auditors general in their countries.
We do a fair bit of work. We also have a very large number of delegations that come through each year and spend a day or two with us, or we work and give short-term training sessions.