Thank you very much, Mr. Chair.
We are very pleased to be here today, and we would like to thank you for this opportunity to discuss our 2007-08 performance report and our 2009-10 report on plans and priorities.
As you mentioned, I'm accompanied today by John Wiersema, Deputy Auditor General; Ira Greenblatt, Assistant Auditor General responsible for corporate services; and Jean Landry, our comptroller.
Each year we are privileged to contribute to Parliament's oversight of government spending and performance with the objective information, advice, and assurance that result from the audits we conduct. As you know, we conduct three types of audits: financial audits, special examinations of crown corporations, and performance audits.
All our audit work is conducted in accordance with the standards set by the Canadian Institute of Chartered Accountants. Our work is guided by a rigorous methodology and quality management framework and is subject to internal practice reviews and to external reviews by peers. All of this provides you with assurance that you can rely on the quality of our work.
During the 2007-2008 fiscal year, the period covered by our most recent performance report, we used $82.3 million of the $86.6 million in appropriations available to us and employed the equivalent of 608 full-time employees. Our net cost of operations—taking into account services provided without charge by other departments and other smaller adjustments—was $92.9 million.
With these resources, we completed 152 audits, including 33 performance audits of various departments and agencies, and 11 special examinations of Crown corporations.
Our 2007-2008 Performance Report contains a number of indicators of the impact of our work and measures of our performance. The tables containing our targets and actual performance for these measures are in Appendix I, attached to this statement.
For this past year, our performance highlights include the following:
Parliamentary committees reviewed 56% of our performance audit reports—a slight decrease from the previous two years. We participated in 33 committee hearings and briefings over the course of the 113 parliamentary sitting days.
Departments reported that they had fully implemented 55% and had substantially implemented a further 29% of the performance audit recommendations made in the reports we tabled four years ago.
For the second year in a row, the office has been recognized as one of Canada's top 100 employers and top 10 family friendly employers;
And our 2008 staff survey shows that 88% of our staff believe that the office is above average or one of the best places to work.
We also surveyed you and the members of certain other parliamentary committees on your assessment of our work. We are pleased that our reports are considered to be valuable and that no need to make significant improvements has been identified.
Our performance indicators, however, reveal that last year we were still having problems completing many of our audits on budget.
In planning for 2009-10, Mr. Chair, we have decided not to request additional funds. Instead, in response to the current economic pressures, we are undertaking efforts to reduce many of our costs. Our goal is to carry out our existing and new audit mandates with our current level of resources.
In order to do so, we will decrease the number of performance audits we conduct—from 30 to approximately 25 per year—for the next two years. In addition, we will table our reports twice a year—once in the spring and once in the fall—rather than three times per year. We believe this will give Parliament more time between reports to hold hearings, while still providing members of Parliament with the information they require for holding government to account for its use of public funds. These changes will allow us to reduce the overall costs of our performance audit practice. As well, we are seeking efficiencies in our other product lines and reducing administrative expenses and overhead.
We have three strategic priorities for 2009-2010, as described in our recently tabled Report on Plans and Priorities. Sustaining our overall capacity by focusing on our entry-level recruitment efforts and enhancing our student and training programs. Implementing the new international auditing and accounting standards in the Canadian public sector with the support of a strategic alliance we have formed with a major accounting firm. And improving our budgeting and project management through a number of initiatives. Preliminary results for 2008-2009 show that we have already achieved positive results in a number of areas.
Appendix II to my statement provides you with an updated list of our planned performance audits. You will see that the list includes audits of the administration of the House of Commons and of the Senate. Preliminary discussions are underway with the House of Commons Board of Internal Economy and the Senate's Committee on Internal Economy, Budgets and Administration regarding these audits. We also have begun an audit of Public Works and Government Services Canada's management of the Parliamentary Precinct.
With regard to our special examinations, a recent change in the Financial Administration Act prescribes that special examinations are now mandatory every 10 years instead of every five years. Therefore, the list of special examinations provided to you last year will change. We are currently reviewing the roster of special examinations for the next few years based on this new time frame. We will post a list of special examinations that will be reported on within the next year on our website shortly.
Committee members may be interested to know that we have recently created a national professional practices group within our office. Under the terms of a memorandum of understanding with provincial auditors general, we will provide technical accounting and auditing advisory services, practice advisories, and financial audit methodology and training support to their offices.
We have worked with Treasury Board to obtain approval for re-spending authority for the amounts to be recovered from our provincial counterparts. Treasury Board has informed us that this request related to the re-spending authority will come through the supplementary estimates (A).
Last year we informed you that officers of Parliament had encountered particular problems with the application of Treasury Board policies to their operations. Many of these policies, which apply to all government departments and agencies, had an inappropriate impact on our independence. I am very happy to say that there have been fruitful discussions with Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat officials over the past year on this subject. While our concerns have not been fully resolved, we are pleased with the progress to date. We look forward to a Treasury Board decision that will amend the application of certain aspects of Treasury Board policies to officers of Parliament.
In conclusion, my staff and I appreciate your ongoing interest in and support for our work. We look forward to continuing to assist you in holding the government to account for its use of public funds.
I thank you, Mr. Chair. I would be pleased to answer any questions that committee members may have.