Certainly in the year in which the crown corporations actually transition and adopt IFRS as their accounting standards there will have to be very extensive disclosure about that change and what the impacts of that change are. Obviously there will be a lot of discussion and analysis up front, as well in the management. I would presume we might even do something on it as well, because this is going to be major for many of the crown corporations.
On our value internationally, as the committee may know, we do a fair bit of work internationally. It's fairly modest in relation to the whole budget, but we work through an organization called INTOSAI, which is an organization of all the national audit offices or equivalent of all the country members of the UN. Our office has always been a very active participant in that. We lead various study groups. We led, for example, a working group on environmental auditing for six years. We are now leading a subcommittee on accounting and are very actively involved in many of the international standard setters for accounting standards and auditing standards. There is work on specific projects that are largely funded by CIDA. We are now working on assisting the development of an auditor general office in Mali. We have done work in Russia, China, and other countries. Those are very focused kinds of projects.
The very last part of the issue is challenges. I'd say our largest challenge is ensuring that we have the really good people we need to continue to do the work. We have been successful to date, actually quite successful, but that will always be an ongoing challenge. Especially with all of these new standards coming in, it is really critical that we develop and have the capacity to respond to these challenges in the professional standards. That's why we've done this strategic alliance with one of the major accounting firms.