I'd like to call the meeting to order and welcome everyone. Bienvenue à tous.
I was going to say the meeting's in camera, but the first part is not in camera. I'm going to open this as a public meeting and deal with one issue on the agenda, and that is the consideration of the minutes of the steering committee held earlier today. The minutes are in front of you, and I will just highlight them.
The first item is on rescheduling the committee's study of chapter 4, “Managing Risks to Canada's Plant Resources”. There was a problem with the dates, so the clerk has to reschedule that hearing.
Second, the May 14 hearing with the Auditor General dealing with all chapters of her May 2009 report, tabled in Parliament on May 12, will be televised if possible.
The third item deals with a translation issue of a fairly large audio cassette that was in both English and French. The steering committee agreed to present that in the language in which it was delivered, because of the enormous time and cost to translate it, which is not the ordinary course of events.
Next is that the committee submit to the Liaison Committee a budget of $27,958 for the costs involved in taking people to the annual conference of the Canadian Council of Public Accounts Committees in Edmonton.
Finally, there's an informal meeting to which all members of this committee will be invited with a parliamentary delegation from Pakistan. It will be at lunch on Wednesday, May 13, and you'll get a further invitation on that item.
Is there any discussion on the minutes of the steering committee?
Mr. Shipley.