Thank you.
Last night we received the two draft reports that came forward regarding the committee meetings and hearings of over a year ago, in fact almost two years ago, in some respects. One is chapter 1 of the 2007 October report of the Auditor General, “Safeguarding Government Information and Assets in Contractin”, and the next one is chapter 3 of the 2007 May report of the Auditor General, “Human Resources Management—Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada”.
My understanding when I read through it is that the committee studied chapter 1 on February 26, over a year ago, from the October 2007 report, and the audit was substantially completed in August of 2007, so we're moving back quite a ways. The committee studied chapter 3 on April 15, 2008, and that chapter is from the May 2007 report. That audit was substantially completed in 2006.
There's been a fair bit of time lapsed since then. We have those two reports in front of us. I'm wondering, in terms of the best interests of the committee, if there would be consideration of having those departments come in for an hour each at a meeting so those reports can be updated.
I'm looking at our schedule and I see we have a vacancy for June 16. Have them update it for an hour on where they are. It's been over a year, in some cases close to two years, since these reports were done. Then we can add the updated part to it to make, I would think, a more meaningful report, since it's still in the draft position.
I would have a motion to put forward to that. I know it will take consent, and certainly the discussion around it, but it could be brought forward and we could do it on June 16, have it, and then get that report updated so it would be more meaningful.
I just open that up for your consideration.