Thanks, Chair.
I have to say that the more I'm thinking about it and the more we're talking about it, the less and less comfortable I am with it. We keep emphasizing the time, and I don't think that's reason enough.
There are plenty of reports--again, at least a couple come to mind--where we actually had further hearings. We had two or three follow-up hearings on Place Victoria, if you recall, one of them linking up somebody by video in Florida, and we were all over the place. But we did our work and things did change.
Some of the recommendations were stale, but if you think about it, in almost all of our recommendations where we want something done or we want a report on something that's been done, we give a deadline for when to give that report. Under the normal course of events, that would be responded to, and then we would deal with it.
The only thing that's unusual here is that the majority of the committee didn't hear the original witnesses. Really, I was just trying to be cooperative, but the more we've talked about this, I'm not sure that allowing this offsets what our problem is. They're unrelated.
I think our Liberal colleagues are making some really good points. They really are. The decision we make shouldn't change the way we do things. I was trying to find something to acknowledge that government members on both sides--because part of this is the Liberals--were willing to go ahead with the report. If you were willing to take the political heat, you probably could have forced it down, and that would be the end of it.
But it almost negates, Chair, all our recommendations. Really, if that's going to be the procedure, then we ought to have a policy statement that for anything stale-dated beyond x period of time, we go through this process where we ask for an update. But if that's not part of our usual procedures, if we're making the exception now for the reason that not everybody heard it as opposed to the reason of the time, the remedy really doesn't solve the problem.
I'm quickly hardening around the idea that the paragraph--and I'm flexible on what that might say--really is the only way we can do this and still remain true to what we do. As for the arguments about a snapshot in time and the historical record, those are all really good arguments, and they're persuading me.