Thank you, Chair.
We're in some uncharted waters, in that we're trying to resurrect things that the majority of the committee has never seen or heard before. In total frankness, the majority of the committee could have made a really good argument to not deal with it because they weren't there. It probably would have held, and all that work would be lost.
I've been very appreciative of the fact that especially the government members—and members of the previous government—were willing to allow us to take a run at this. I'm a little concerned about going to another hearing as a way to resolve this, because it does set a precedent. I'm willing to think about this and listen as we go along, but I offer up as a thought, what if the majority of the committee—hopefully everyone—agreed to allow the government members a two-page update that they could attach?
I see the chair's kind of worried about that.
I'm recognizing the element of disconnect and how easy it would be to start playing politics with it if they wanted to. I appreciate that the members haven't, but we need some way of acknowledging that it has been a fair bit of time. Normally, we don't let that much time go by. I don't want to go to another hearing. I'm a little concerned about that setting a precedent, but I'm wondering, Chair and colleagues, if there's room to allow some kind of an addendum report. Assuming that we get through the report without any big problems, as we have before, then the quid pro quo for the rest of us, if you will, is to allow something in there--you can put in what you want in terms of update. We'd get two pages, and you can update all you want.
I'm saying that predicated.... I don't want to make it a total quid pro quo, but that becomes easier for us to do if we get through the report and we all agree with the report--assuming it's not too partisan or inflammatory. That kind of give-and-take would be good. If we can get through the report and give life back to a lot of work that has been done by some current and some former parliamentarians, that would be great.
To accommodate that, I'm prepared to allow some wiggle room. If there's another idea, Chair, I'm open to it. The idea of a hearing, however, makes me a little nervous, because that does set a precedent that will come up again and again when we want to re-hear something and sometimes we agree and sometimes we don't. It depends on the nature of what we're dealing with.
Thank you.