Thank you.
Members of the committee, please turn to the blue presentation, entitled “Public Accounts of Canada 2007-2008”, and flip to page 2 for the presentation overview. I thought it would be useful to provide you with some information on the process we use around public accounts and to talk a little bit about the results for the year 2007-08 along with some of the observations of the Auditor General.
Page 3 of the presentation outlines the financial accountability process. A number of steps in the accountability process are worth mentioning. The first one is that before the year starts, of course, there is a budget. Now, of course we're talking about the year 2007-08, so that would start in April of 2007 to go to the end of March in 2008. So the budget would be a couple of months beforehand, just as the budget now prepares us for the upcoming year.
Then, the government always has an economic statement at some point during the year. That can influence what happens as well.
During the year, there are estimates that you vote on, of course. The main estimates are tabled just before the year starts, to get the year ready.
Then there are the supplementary estimates, which are tabled during the year as well, for unforeseen items.
The budget for 2008, which was actually in February 2007.... Although it tends to focus on the next year, sometimes there are actually things in that budget that affect the last couple of months. That was the case this last year as well.
Then, as Mr. Murphy has said, finishing off the cycle, a couple of things happen. One is that the finance department tables its annual financial report. That is usually the report where you hear what the surplus or the deficit would be. For example, this year it was done in September. That's when you would have heard the surplus figure for last year.
Mr. Chair, am I going into too much detail here? No? Okay.
The fourth page of the presentation provides a description of Volumes I, II and III of the Public Accounts of Canada. Volume I contains the government's financial statements, the Auditor General's report and observations, as well as financial statements analysis and discussion.
You have the volume I document in front of you. There is a number at the bottom of each page, in the corner. If you were to turn to page 2.4, for example, you would see the start of the report of the Auditor General. Every page has first a section number then a page number; there are various sections in it. So this is kind of the big report for the whole of government at the consolidated level.
Volume II contains comparisons of actual spending by departments to spending projections contained in the Estimates.
This is a much bigger document, because what it does is it shows all of the information on a department-by-department basis. At the front of it is a table of contents that shows all the ministries. Just as an example, if you were to turn to the table at section 2, you would find all of the information and details on Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada. And you will find that for each department.
Volume III contains the financial statements of revolving funds as well as special information, such as information required by the Financial Administration Act.
It contains special information if, for example, you are interested in something like the real property acquisitions. For example, land, buildings, and works would be in there, as well as public debt charges and transfer payments. So it's really extra information in support of the other documents.
The fifth page of the presentation talks about the financial results for 2007-2008. It says there has been a clean opinion on the financial statements for the tenth year. Of course, since last year ended March 31, 2008, there was a surplus of approximately $9.6 billion, which at that time represented the eleventh consecutive year of surplus, and also it shows that the deficit has in fact gone down by about $105 billion from its peak in 1996-1997.
Slide number six shows the comparison of the actual results to what had been in the budget. You'll see that there are a few differences. Probably the most significant one is in the revenue. The budget had estimated revenues of about $236.7 billion, and the actual revenues were about $242 billion. That probably accounts for the surplus being a little bit higher than it had been in the budget documents.
Page number seven compares the financial results from the year before to those for this year, so from 2006-2007 to 2007-2008. A couple of numbers jump out there. For one thing, if you look at total program expenses, you'll see that in 2006-2007 they were about $188 billion, and the year after, 2007-2008, they were about $199 billion. So that went up about $11 billion, which was probably one of the more significant changes there.
If you look to the middle of the page where you see surplus, you'll see that the surplus in the year 2006-2007 was about $13.8 billion, and of course in 2007-2008 it was $9.6 billion.
Page number eight looks at all of the revenues, so it shows you where they come from. An interesting part of this table is that it shows that quite a big chunk of the revenue comes from personal taxes. It's about 46% to 47%. That has been fairly constant over the years. You can see the distribution among the various sources there, and at the very bottom the total revenues of approximately $242 billion.
Page number nine shows the financial results on the expenses side of the ledger. I think an interesting part of this presentation is that if you look about halfway down, where you see “total transfers”, it's interesting to note that that is actually over half of what we spent. So 56%, or about $131 billion, relates to transfers for things like benefits for the elderly, employment insurance, children's benefits, transfers to other levels of government, and so forth. Then you can look down at the bottom and see the total expenses of $232 billion.
Page 10 shows the financial results on the debt side. Probably one of the more significant numbers there is the unmatured debt, which is the biggest component of that figure. It represents about $390 billion, down from $414 billion the year before. If you look down at the very bottom, you'll see a couple of statistics. An interesting one is the percentage held by non-residents, which is about 12%.
Slide number eleven shows the Auditor General's observations, the first being management estimates with respect to the allowance for doubtful accounts.
As my colleague mentioned, a project is underway to improve the methodology for estimating the allowance for doubtful tax receivable. We have submitted a plan to the Auditor General and we have a commitment to this plan that will help improve the provision for estimating the allowance for doubtful tax receivable.
Page 12 has to do with the tax revenues and that scenario where we have tried to make some improvements every year to that figure. Of course that's a big figure on the revenue side. A lot of those improvements have to do with looking at statistical analysis of what's happened in the past and using that to project forward. We'll have a look at these changes we've made over the last three years, and hopefully we'll continue to improve them.
Page 13 is on the audited departmental financial statements. Here we have plans for all the large departments. Although, as my colleague has said, a lot of work on the documentation and systems is required, we're very pleased that we were able to get a little bit of investment funding in the budget this year to work on some of our systems to improve that. I think that will be very helpful as we move toward doing that work.
Page 14 is on the accrual-based budgeting and appropriations. We're phasing in the accrual-based budgeting starting with the estimates documents for next year, which will be tabled in about a month or so. We're starting off with five departments, a mix with some big ones. I think the Department of Public Works is in there, and a few other big ones, and we're moving ahead with that. I do have personal views on some of the issues around accrual appropriations, and I'd be pleased to have that discussion.
Page 15: these are the international financial reporting standards. The committee will be chaired by my colleague Mr. Wiersema of the Public Sector Accounting Board in about two months. This group decides how these standards should be applied. We are having a discussion now in terms of some of the implementation to make sure it's appropriate for crown corporations, and we are working with the crown corporations just to make sure they're moving ahead with that.
Mr. Chair, I hope I haven't taken too much of your time by going through that. I'd be pleased to answer any questions.