From what I understand, the mandate of the Standing Committee on Public Accounts includes a “review of and report on the Public Accounts of Canada and all reports of the Auditor General of Canada”. From that, it would clearly be the case that this is not within the mandate of this committee.
But it is within the mandate of the government operations committee. In fact, my understanding is that they're actually studying the stimulus package, the whole package, and will be making a report on it, as the Auditor General is going to be issuing a report on the stimulus funding. And that's where we fit in. We will fit in as a committee based on her report on it.
I'm amazed, quite honestly, that this has come from the opposition, since all through, our discussions on our reports are not about what is happening in the future, but about reports of what has happened in the past—in fact, even reports that have gone back two and a half years.
So I obviously can't support this motion, first because it's not within our mandate, as clearly laid out in the committee responsibilities, but also because we have other committees that have that mandate, under government operations, and that are looking at it.