I'd like at this point in time to call the meeting to order.
On behalf of all committee members, welcome to all witnesses and guests in the room. We extend to everyone a very warm welcome.
This meeting is called pursuant to our Standing Orders, and today we're dealing with chapter 1, “National Security: Intelligence and Information Sharing”, of the 2009 status report of the Auditor General of Canada.
The committee is very pleased to have with us today, first, from the Office of the Auditor General, Sheila Fraser, the Auditor General. She is accompanied this afternoon by the assistant auditor general, Hugh McRoberts; and principal, Gordon Stock.
From the Privy Council Office, we have Marie-Lucie Morin, national security advisor to the Prime Minister and associate secretary to the cabinet.
From the Department of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness, we have the accounting officer and deputy minister, Suzanne Hurtubise.
From the Department of Transport, we again have the accounting officer and deputy minister, Louis Ranger. He's accompanied by Marc Grégoire, the assistant deputy minister.
From the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, we have Mr. Tim Killam, deputy commissioner, policing support services. He's accompanied by Madame Guylaine Dansereau, director of Canadian Criminal Real Time Identification Services.
Again, welcome everyone.
We do have a large crowd today, so I'd ask that you keep any opening comments to five minutes.
We're going to start with the Office of the Auditor General.
Ms. Fraser.