Thank you very much, Chair.
I thank you all very much for your attendance today. Let me start by saying I certainly have a great deal of respect for the challenge you face and the difficulty in the task you have.
My questions are based on the shock I had when I read some of the findings in the report and the fact that they could go on so long and not be addressed. It's fine that we're hearing some things today, but even that's not satisfying all the needs. The Auditor General gave you a very lukewarm passing grade, if that, when asked about your responses to some things in here. Let me set the stage and try to get an answer from a macro sense.
I guess, Ms. Swan, you would be the appropriate one to answer this question. The auditor said in her report that the agency has difficulty delivering timely assessments. She said:
The yearly pest survey plans of the Plant Health Surveillance Unit are not risk-based and focus almost exclusively on existing invasive plants, pests, and diseases rather than identifying potential new threats before they become established plant health emergencies
The auditor also goes on to say, on page 23, 4.93:
Our findings are not new to the Agency. In fall 2003, its own review of the key elements of Plant Health Program delivery identified problems similar to ours.
Further, on page 25, 4.101, she says:
Plant Health Program officials indicate that they are currently working to see how technology might be used to better support the program in the future. While this is a positive development, information management issues have been known for many years; we raised these issues in our 1996 audit of the animal and plant health programs
In fact, in the news release, the Auditor General said, “Our audit findings are serious.”
So I go to the departmental performance report for the period ending March 31, 2008, and what do I find? I find that you, Ms. Swan, say in your president's message:
The Agency continues to exercise due diligence by effectively minimizing and managing public health risks associated with the food supply and transmission of animal disease to humans. It also contributes to consumer protection and market access based on the application of science and adherence to international standards. Over the past year, the CFIA conducted food safety investigations and initiated food recalls as part of the CFIA’s ongoing commitment to consumer protection.
Then, maybe 20 pages in, at “Effective Risk Management”.... This is where you'd think that you'd be pushing the hot button letting the public and the rest of the government know that you're on the case. What's it say under “Effective Risk Management”? It says:
Recognizing the CFIA’s vast and diverse mandate, the Agency uses prudent risk management to optimally allocate resources and make decisions related to long-standing and emerging issues.
What I want to know is the difference between what you said was going on in your performance report and the auditor's findings. And they're not new. They go back to 2003 and 1996. So I have a couple of questions.
First, why is there a discrepancy between what the auditor found--and she calls it serious--and this glowing report that glosses over risk management like everything is just fine?
Secondly, given that you've already had two reports, if the Auditor General hadn't brought this report down, when did you intend to start dealing with these things as a legitimate health crisis?