Thank you, Mr. Chairman.
Welcome to our panel.
I'm just a guest here today. Public accounts is probably the first committee I served on after I got elected in 1993. It's been a long time.
I must say that I was very impressed with some of the comments I heard, constructive comments, where we were on your suggestions from previous reports. There's no question that we, and I'm sure other countries, were going through this metamorphosis in some way, given the circumstances globally speaking.
My riding is Scarborough Centre, Mr. Chairman, and in my riding there's a facility, the Scarborough Town Centre, that's very busy. I can tell you there were glitches in the past. Again, I use that word in a constructive way.
What I had asked years ago, through the officials there, was for some kind of an MP helpline, as other offices have. This is something I think, Mr. Chairman, we had discussed years ago with colleagues who were experiencing some of the difficulties that you were in some of the remote areas. Remote or not, we were facing some of these problems as well.
I don't know if that's feasible today, but I'm sure I speak on behalf of all members of Parliament that in our respective ridings, if the garbage isn't collected, they're not going to call the city councillor. They're going to call their member of Parliament. If eavestroughs have been plugged, they're going to call their member of Parliament. If something happens to the delivery of health care, they're not going to call their provincial member. They're going to call their member of Parliament. And that's fine. We're pleased to take that on. It's our responsibility and we get paid to help facilitate, but I would just ask, if I may, that some consideration be given to an MPs helpline, to be used properly, when and if needed.
I want to ask a question with respect to the rural areas and the mobile units. I was really pleased to hear that. I and maybe my constituents in the greater city of Toronto, in Scarborough, might take it for granted that we get on the bus, go to the town centre, do our shopping and we go in and apply, and that's wonderful, but I'm concerned about Canadians living in some of these remote areas, border towns as you mentioned.
I just want to know a little bit more of how this wonderful system works, this mobile system, because you mentioned so many different parts of our country. Are there units that are designated to a region, or are they there and they just cover a certain region, one unit, two units? Can you just give me some more details on that?