I hear Mr. Saxton's concerns and I share them, in that—again, to bring Mr. Williams into it—we are a committee of accountability, not of management. We are walking a fine line here; I accept that. I'm repeating what he has already heard at the steering committee, so I apologize to Mr. Saxton, but having been involved in this from the get-go....
And we held so many special meetings. We even set up a video link so that we could have Mr. Gagliano and others testify. We had a whole Russian army involved in this thing. What's going on now is, to my mind, really an extension of that review, because the department accepted our recommendations, but there is now a concern that in enacting those recommendations they're not meeting the ultimate goal, which was a fair process.
Having said what I've said, I'm leaning towards seeing this as more of an ongoing file. I see this as continuing the work we first started out doing. Having said that, I'm still comfortable that we're within our mandate and are not slipping into another mandate.