Thank you, Mr. Chair and members of the committee.
The Auditor General's status report, chapter 2, looked at the federal government's process for making Governor in Council appointments to crown corporations, other small federal entities, and the Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada. I am pleased to have the opportunity to meet with you today to discuss the findings of the Auditor General on the Governor in Council appointments process, as well to as to update you on measures the government is taking to continue to improve the GIC appointments process.
I'm joined, as you noted, Mr. Chair, by Yvan Roy and Patricia Hassard.
Mr. Chairman, GIC appointments are those made by the Governor General on the advice of the Queen's Privy Council of Canada, as represented by cabinet. The responsibility for recommending appointments rests with ministers. The role of the public service is to implement processes, agreed to by the government, that bring to the political decision-makers a slate of candidates who meet the requirements and have the qualifications for the position, and reflect the diversity of Canadian society. In Accountable Government—A Guide for Ministers and Ministers of State, first released in 2006, the Prime Minister set out his expectations with respect to GIC appointments. The guide states that "it is essential for appointees to be well qualified, and that senior government appointees be chosen through a process that ensures broad and open consideration of the proposed candidates." Further, it specifies that an important aspect of the appointment process is the desire to ensure that GIC appointments reflect Canada's diversity, in terms of linguistic, regional and employment equity representation. The public service is supporting the government in meeting these commitments by developing new policies and guidelines.
These are drawn from best practices in other jurisdictions, that support an accessible and rigorous appointment process. Many such changes have been implemented since 2006.
The GIC appointments process is, by its nature, a complex one, with built-in checks and balances appropriate to the public sector. Private sector appointment processes and practices are not necessarily the benchmark for the GIC appointments process. The Prime Minister's Office, Mr. Chairman, plays a lead role in establishing the policies and is responsible for the overall coordination of GIC appointments as well as liaison with ministers' offices. Privy Council Office, PCO, provides operational support to and advice on the appointments process, including appointment policies, practices, and remuneration. PMO and PCO, as well as ministers' offices and their departments, consult and work closely with their respective organizations to understand their appointment needs.
The December 12, 2006, passage of the Federal Accountability Act provided legislative authority for the creation of a Public Appointments Commission, PAC. The legislative framework provides for a PAC that will have specific roles in the appointments process through the establishment of a code of practice for selection processes. The code will set out the steps necessary for a fair, open, and competency-based selection process for GIC positions in agencies, boards, commissions, and crown corporations.
Consistent with this legislative intent, the government has introduced a number of new processes and practices since 2006 to make the appointment system more rigorous. The management of vacancies has been improved, and both the transparency of the process and access to appointments have been increased.
I would like to highlight, Mr. Chair, for the committee, six such changes, which very much respond to both the spirit and the intent of prior advice we received from the Auditor General.
First--and this is a key one--to ensure that ministers and their departments are better equipped to manage appointments within their portfolios and understand the expectations of the government, PCO has developed and distributed a document entitled “A Guide to Managing the Governor in Council Appointments Process”. It focuses on the key elements required for a rigorous process. This document provides guidance on effective vacancy management, guidelines for making reappointment decisions, overall expectations, and appropriate steps for recruitment. It also provides specific guidance on effective communications with organizations and appointees on appointment issues.
Second, it is recognized that vacancy management must be improved. To that end, PCO now provides ministers and their departments with a monthly report outlining all appointments set to expire within the upcoming 12 months. This monthly report is meant to assist ministerial and departmental planning and to better ensure that appointment and re-appointment decisions are made in a timely manner.
A third change, in the same vein, addresses the management of upcoming expires. The government has issued new guidelines setting out expectations for ministers to provide notice to appointees as to whether or not they will be re-appointed.
For full-time appointees, ministers now should determine whether a re-appointment will be recommended at least six months before the end of the appointee's term. For part-time appointees, this now should be at least three months before a term expires.
The fourth change relates to increasing transparency and access to the GIC appointment process. In April 2006, the government launched the governor in council appointments website, where opportunities for GIC positions are advertised. Interested candidates have access to selection processes for leadership and quasi-judicial positions in more than 200 government organizations.
The fifth change increases the rigour of the appointments process. The government has broadened the scope of its recruitment efforts for leadership and quasi-judicial positions. Qualified candidates for these positions are recruited following rigorous selection processes, which include the development of the appropriate selection criteria, public advertisements and the assessment of candidates through interviews and reference checks.
The sixth change addresses the need for enhanced training and orientation, for both stakeholders and appointees. This now includes one-on-one orientation sessions for new chairs, heads of agencies and CEOs of crown corporations, and regular workshops on how to implement the appointments process for departmental officials and exempt staff in the ministers' offices.
As these changes indicate, Mr. Chairman, we are working to strengthen the process for GIC appointments. There are always opportunities for improvement, in particular with respect to vacancy management. To manage vacancies well, it's also important to identify the optimal number of GIC positions that are required in an organization to accomplish their legislative mandates and to determine whether existing GIC positions are apportioned where they can be most effective. In some cases, the optimal number of appointees may be less than the maximum allowed under the legislation. To examine this issue, a review led by the President of the Treasury Board will look at how the management of federal agencies, boards, commissions, and crown corporations is impacted by the number of GIC positions and whether the current size is required to optimize their effectiveness. This review is now under way, and it's anticipated that the President of the Treasury Board will submit his report and final recommendations by the end of 2009.
The Auditor General's status report that we're discussing today looked at the government's process for making GIC appointments and examined the extent of progress made in implementing her previous recommendations on appointments. Given the GIC's broad discretion conferred by statute to make appointments, the Auditor General has indicated that her office did not audit the decisions made by the GIC or the roles played by ministers, their offices, or the PMO. We share this view that the audit should not encroach on the exercise of discretion by ministers and the GIC, nor should it comment on the exercise of ministerial discretion, as that would be beyond the scope of the Auditor General's mandate.
The GIC appointment process is a complex one with distinct roles and responsibilities being exercised at the political and public service levels. The role of the public service in the appointment process is to provide advice and operational support. It is not to make decisions on individual appointments. The decision-making takes place at the political level through the exercise of ministerial responsibility and GIC discretion. While these two elements are linked through the common objective of an effective and efficient appointments process, the separation of responsibilities remains clear: PCO manages the process, while the decision-making authority on specific appointments rests with the political level.
In any given year, to conclude, Mr. Chairman, approximately 1,000 appointments are made by the GIC. This is an extremely important element of our Westminster system of government. We very much appreciate the advice of the Auditor General in this area over a number of years, and the Auditor General has contributed to ensuring that the key players in the appointment process are made aware of areas for improvement and are continually looking at ways to enhance policies, practices, and processes.
I'd be pleased to answer any questions you may have on the process.
Thank you, Mr. Chair.