Okay. Let me switch to English, if I may. Excuse me.
We put processes in place that the chief financial officers must follow, and they follow them, but they're responsible for the accounting of their expenditures in their departments. That's not information I have. We expect them to do it at the departmental level.
Can I explain why that is, Mr. Chair? I apologize for taking extra time.
Normally our office isn't concerned with the rate at which an appropriation is used. It's not something we would normally be concerned about. We want to make sure it's done right and that people follow the rules and respect the Financial Administration Act. As to whether they do it at a certain speed, as long as it's done right, we let the departments do it. We tell them that they'd better not exceed their appropriation, because that's very bad. That is a serious offence. We also tell them that they have to comply with the Financial Administration Act. But the rate at which they spend it is usually their responsibility.
There are 150 organizations out there. We let them manage. The accounting officers in each one of those departments is accountable, so they must do it right.
The Receiver General does roll up information, but in this case—and I know you're interested in the budget expenditures—the coding in the system doesn't allow you, at the Receiver General level, to pull out all that information. Most of that coding is at the departmental level.
I'm sorry. It's a bit of a technical explanation, but I can't think of a better way to say it. I'd be happy to give you the frameworks and the work we've done with the audit community and the finance community and so forth. I'd be pleased to do that, Mr. Desnoyers.