Thank you for coming out again, Ms. Fraser, Mr. Maxwell, and Mr. Vaughan.
Let me go to chapter 5. I'll be dealing with the environmental report. I may jump around to chapter 3, and I hope I will get the chance.
We talked about the complexities of these reports. For example, I'm going to go to the number of petitions we're dealing with. It says here that there are 56 petitions, a 24% increase, about 13 more than there had been. Ontario accounted for half of this increase. Human environmental assessments and the effects of exposure to electromagnetic radiation seem to compartmentalize the majority of these increases.
You also said that increasing transparency and accountability has been a priority of this government. I think this should be an objective for most governments. It's a great initiative, and we talked a little bit earlier about trust funds and transfers. As for the time delay, because of the increase, you have 86% on time this year, 95% last year. Exhibit 5.4 is called electromagnetic radiation exposure, and it has to do with the concerns caused by cellular towers. So I look at 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. Does that represent one petition, or is that five petitions regarding one cellular tower?