There seems to be profound mismanagement here.
I'll proceed with my second question while you're agreeing on the line of procedure.
In chapter 2, “Governance of Small Federal Entities”, I found that there was a real lack of governance there as well. You yourself report that governance regimes are not working well. Reporting requirements are burdening small entities. Committees have been set up to address these small entities, but they lack the capacity to build, sustain, and improve internal services such as finance, HR, and IT. Sharing can address some of these challenges.
With these smaller federal entities this governance does not involve a board of directors or another governing body. Would it not be a good idea that a board of directors assist with strategic plans, budgets, governance, and general accountability?
Second, I noted that portfolio coordination needed improvement, and I wondered why an officer of portfolio affairs wasn't standard for each of the small entities.
Third, would some of the small entities benefit from a horizontal audit?
Fourth, do you recommend that the reporting burden be reduced? What administrative services could be shared?
Finally, what best practices have you observed in other jurisdictions that would alleviate some of these issues?
Thank you.