Perhaps I can help to clarify this. This trust is similar to many other trusts that we've mentioned in the study in chapter one. Some $27 billion has been transferred to the provinces using this mechanism. The trustee is a financial institution, so the funds are deposited by the federal government in a financial institution, and then the provinces draw down those funds within a certain time period, which is often stipulated. I hesitate to use the word “agreement”, but there is a document that specifies by what time the funds should be drawn out by the provinces. Essentially, this is the only condition in those agreements.
You'll see in the lists in the exhibit that different purposes have been announced. A lot of them deal with health. Some deal with housing, others with patient wait-time guarantees, others with policing. But there are no actual conditions requiring the provinces to spend the money for those purposes, or to present results other than to their own public. These funds would go into their consolidated revenue funds and would be audited by their legislative auditor, who would then report to their own population.