I'd like to call the meeting to order. Bienvenue à tous.
Colleagues, pursuant to the Standing Orders, today's meeting will deal with all chapters of the December 2008 Report of the Auditor General of Canada.
I should point out that we also have with us today, and we're very pleased to have with us, the Commissioner of the Environment and Sustainable Development, Mr. Scott Vaughan, as well as Mrs. Fraser, of course, the Auditor General. She is accompanied by Mr. Neil Maxwell, the Assistant Auditor General.
Mrs. Fraser, welcome to the committee. Mr. Maxwell and Mr. Vaughan, welcome to the committee. And welcome to everyone else.
There is no other department or agency here. We're just going to hear from the Auditor General on the eight chapters that were tabled in Parliament last week. As well, if anyone has any questions or comments on the five chapters from the Commissioner of the Environment and Sustainable Development, he is here also for the purpose of answering any questions.
Without any further delay, I'm going to ask the Auditor General for her opening remarks.