Perhaps I can make a few comments, if I may. I thought of these two motions, and it has always been my position as chair that the job of this committee--and I've said this before--is to deal with the issues related to the expenditure of public funds. Relevancy always comes into issue in a lot of questions and a lot of motions. My position has generally been to allow members to pursue their own line of questioning and, if there's a doubt, to give the benefit of the doubt to the particular member.
On these two motions, or one of them at least....
The first reads:
That the House of Commons Standing Committee on Public Accounts call upon PWGSC to provide it with all departmental policies relating to service procurement and an analysis of the pros and cons of Government Enterprise Network Services (GENS).
It's my view as chair that I'll give the benefit of the doubt to Madam Faille, as it relates to chapter 3, “Contracting for Professional Services”.
The second one, Madam Faille, is:
That the House of Commons Standing Committee on Public Accounts ask PWGSC to provide it with all industry briefs and presentations regarding the Request for Statement of Interest and Qualifications EN869-09126/K posted in July 2009 concerning the Government Enterprise Network Services initiative.
That is only two months. I really think this goes beyond the relevancy of the chapter that we're doing. The public accounts committee generally follows the performance reports of the Auditor General. We're in no way precluded from embarking on our own studies and our own work; however, the problem in that regard is that we don't have an investigative staff and it works better when we follow the work of the Office of the Auditor General.
On the second issue, regarding the posting of a statement of interest and qualifications, I just don't think that's relevant, and I'm going to rule it out of order. You have a number of options available to you. You can put a question on the order paper. You can, which has been suggested, refer the matter to the House of Commons Standing Committee on Government Operations and Estimates. You could present a motion to this committee that we study the Government Enterprise Network Services, the GENS, and then we would maybe look at that issue if the committee, as a body, decided to study it. Of course, another option available to you is that you could write individually or ask the committee to write to the Auditor General asking that her office embark upon a study on the expenditure and management of the Government Enterprise Network Services initiative.
By and large, I just feel it's irrelevant. Unless I'm overruled by this committee, I'm prepared to rule the second motion out of order because it's beyond what we're dealing with in this committee.
Having said that, are there any other interventions on the first motion?