Let me start, and then, given my two years in the organization, I will perhaps ask the vice-admiral to speak to a little bit about the history.
First of all, Mr. Chairman, I'd like to thank the member for his generous comments about our performance not being horrific in the report. I think that in many ways, given what this organization has been through over a fairly lengthy period of time, the focus was always and had to be on the short term. Budgets were uncertain—if you want to go back 15 years—through long periods of expenditure cuts associated with deficit reduction.
I think it has become absolutely clear, and I think the Auditor General's report absolutely crystallized this, that the bottom-up approach that has, arguably, not worked badly for us from year to year has resulted in missed strategic opportunities. What has changed is that there's full recognition going forward in a Canada first defence strategy context, or any other context, with 20 years of committed funding, that it's time to live by a strategic corporate plan and to use the annual allocations process to make sure that we spend properly in a longer-term context. That is what the L0 strategy is intended to do for us.
Vice Admiral, I don't know if you want to speak to the past.