Mr. Chairman, if I were a CEO of an independent private sector corporation, I'd probably say that it was causing some inefficiencies in how the organization was being managed in financial terms. That said, we are certainly not that, nor do we seek to be that.
So in the context of the government's overall challenges, the Minister of Finance's challenges, if I didn't have to manage to 1%, I think we would probably be able to allocate some resources to managing on other things that were perhaps more important in a strategic context.
But that is not the situation we find ourselves in. It is not an easy number to manage to. It is tough to land this organization. The amount of time that we spend, starting in Q-four, and actually earlier, in the last quarter of the year, landing this organization to a $200 million carry-forward is not, I would guess, from any CEO's perspective, the most effective and efficient use of resources.
That said, we do it. We spend a lot of time, week after week after week, looking at the whole organization and trying to understand exactly where it is so that we don't miss those numbers.