Merci, monsieur le président.
Good afternoon, Mr. Chair, committee members, as well as my friends from the Auditor General and Transport Canada.
My name is Robert Lemire. I am the CEO of the Great Lakes Pilotage Authority. I have been with the authority for the last 24 years, 11 years as CEO. Yes, that's a long time.
With me today are Mr. Doug Smith, our chairman of the board, and Mr. Réjean Ménard, our secretary-treasurer. We are here today to answer questions from the committee on the recent Auditor General of Canada report, chapter 7, “Special Examination of Crown Corporations”.
In its 2008 report to the board, the auditor’s main observation was that the authority’s current system for exempting Canadian ships from pilotage needed to be strengthened.
The authority’s response concurs that a more stringent exemption or certification system would strengthen the authority’s ability to ensure the future safety and efficiency of the navigation system. The authority continues to work with Transport Canada and the major stakeholders to address this deficiency.
The authority is a very small crown corporation, with fewer than 100 employees, answering to the Minister of Transport through our board and chair, who are seven GIC appointments. The corporation is listed in schedule III, part I, of the Financial Administration Act and operates and conducts all of its activities out of one location in Cornwall, Ontario.
The authority is responsible for administering the pilotage system in the Great Lakes. The system stretches 2,200 kilometres from Montreal to Thunder Bay. It covers the five Great Lakes, including all of the commercial Canadian and American ports on Lakes Erie, Michigan, Ontario, Huron, and Superior. The authority works in cooperation with the U.S. Coast Guard to share facilities and services on the Great Lakes to avoid duplication of services.
The authority was set up in 1972 with the creation of the current Pilotage Act, at the same time as the Pacific, Laurentian, and Atlantic authorities were. Pilotage authorities are mandated to be financially self-sustainable and do not rely on any government subsidy or transfers.
Marine pilotage is a service provided to ships that navigate in waters where navigation officers have little or no knowledge. These waters include canals, rivers, and lakes that have difficult navigation characteristics such as currents, wind, and low water conditions that can yield dangerous navigation scenarios.
In the Canadian and American waters of the Great Lakes, all vessels over 1,500 tonnes--those are vessels of about 200 feet or longer--must be guided by an experienced licensed pilot, unless the vessel is navigated by officers who are familiar with the system. Foreign vessels always avail themselves of pilots, whereas Canadian ships take advantage of the current exemption system permitted them to sail the Great Lakes.
The authority has been working with the major stakeholders and Transport Canada to change the existing system so that it meets the requirements of the Pilotage Act and the economic realities of the operators while maintaining the highest safety standards required for protecting Canadian navigable waters.
The proposed regulatory amendments will see, after due verification of credentials, existing officers now on the exemption list issued pilotage certificates for the Great Lakes. This will allow them to continue the current practice of operating Canadian vessels in the Great Lakes without the requirements of authority pilots. It is proposed that all officers requiring a pilotage certificate after the transition period will be subject to the Great Lakes pilotage regulations requirement of an examination.
The authority is now in the drafting stage with Transport Canada for amending the Great Lakes pilotage regulations. The proposed changes will allow the authority more assurance that the Canadian deck watch officers and masters have the required knowledge to navigate our waters. Under the proposed new system, Canadian officers who are members of the complement of a vessel will be required to hold a valid pilotage certificate issued by the authority.
Mr. Chairman, this completes my opening statement. Our chairman, Mr. Smith, would like to address the committee briefly.
Thank you.