At this point in time, I'd like to call the meeting to order and extend to everyone a very warm welcome.
This meeting today, colleagues, is in two parts. In the first hour we're going to hear from witnesses, and in the second hour, from 4:30 to 5:30 p.m., we're going to consider reports.
The committee is very pleased to have before us today representatives from the Australian National Audit Office. Let me introduce Barbara Cass, the executive director from performance audit services group, and Brandon Jarrett, executive director, professional services branch. They are both from the Australian audit office.
Welcome, Ms. Cass, and welcome, Mr. Jarrett, to Canada and to this committee.
The committee also has before it the Auditor General of Canada, Ms. Sheila Fraser, and she's accompanied by the deputy auditor, Mr. John Weirsema.
We're going to hear a presentation from the Australian audit office dealing with a peer review that is under way right now. It's being led by the Australian audit office, but there are a number of other countries involved in this peer review. It will be finished sometime next year and tabled in Parliament.
Let me just say a few words on the entire process that is under way here.
When we talk about the Office of the Auditor General and who's auditing that office, or who's watching the watchdog, there are a number of processes involved.
First of all, as I believe many of us are aware, the initial budget of the Office of the Auditor General goes through a panel of parliamentarians, chaired by the Speaker, and that recommendation goes to Treasury Board. It does not have to be accepted, but it certainly has considerable weight. That figure then makes its way into the main estimates as a line item. Then the Auditor General, at a meeting we have every year, usually in May, comes before us to justify the appropriations and to discuss her office's report on plans and priorities and her office's departmental performance report. That estimate line is approved. That, of course, makes its way into the main estimates, and that is the parliamentary appropriation for the office.
The second phase, of course, is the audit. Parliament has to ensure that the money is spent in accordance with the appropriations. Of course, the audit can't be done by the Office of the Auditor General. In that process, Treasury Board assigns that work to a Canadian accounting firm, usually a mid-sized firm. That audit is done to assure Parliament and Canadians that the funds, as appropriated, are spent in accordance with standard public sector accounting standards and that all transactions are recorded, etc. Those audited statements eventually make their way into the consolidated summary of financial statements of the Government of Canada.
The third area, colleagues, is a peer review. I believe this is the third one that has been conducted on our Office of the Auditor General. The first was done by a major accounting firm. The last two were done by international audit firms, and that is exactly what's going on now. They take place every five or six years. This peer review is being led by the Australian audit office. I think there are five or six other countries involved, and they all have certain assignments. At the end of the day, a performance report will be completed. Of course, we will have access to that report when it is done sometime next year.
The steering committee and the committee as a whole thought it would be beneficial for us at this point in time, when the work is being started, to hear from the office of the Australian Auditor-General, the audit office, as to the processes followed, the mandate, and when the work will be expected to be done, so that we have a clear understanding as to what the peer review process entails.
Having said that, I'm going to reverse the order and ask for the presentation from the Australian National Audit Office.
The floor is yours, and again, welcome to the committee.