I appreciate all those answers. I have to tell you, I have a bit of trouble following the chronology, because it bounces around a bit, and then there are different audits. I don't claim to be the smartest guy on the Hill. Here's where my question is going.
Deputy, you mentioned in your comments, on page three, that “All recommendations and management response commitments from this September 2006 audit report have been implemented”. Then in the next paragraph you say, “My department is fully committed and has demonstrated excellence in the management of grants and contributions...”, and you even mention that because of your elevated attention after September 2006.... Yet if I understand correctly, it was after September 2006 that the audit was done by the Auditor General—I believe from June to November 2008—and the audit and the work you did after that was still found, in paragraphs 6.27 and 6.32, indicate that the AG found further work that needed to be done; that your audits weren't all that...and yet you're bragging about the 2006 and what you've done since then. I would have been happier to hear you say you were bragging after you got the AG's audit and cleaned up everything.
Help me understand why you're bragging about what you did after the 2006 internal audit, given that the AG, when she went in and looked at the results of it, was—my words—not impressed. She found other areas that you still had not dealt with, and yet you're in here praising what you did after the 2006 audit.
Help me understand, please.