Mr. Chairman, members of the committee, thank you for the opportunity to speak to you about IP.
As Mrs. Fraser's report points out, the National Research Council is by far the federal government's largest producer of inventions. NRC's mandate is to transform science and technology into social and economic well-being for Canada. NRC does this by working directly with industry across Canada in sectors from aerospace and construction to bio-pharma and alternative energy. Indeed, NRC has done so throughout its 93 years of history.
Creating IP and extracting value from it for the benefit of Canadians is our main business line. So it was not unexpected to read in the OAG's report that NRC was found to manage its IP very well. I can assure you that this has not come about just by happenstance.
Rather, it has come about through years of deliberate investment, process improvement and by placing a high priority on getting results from the intellectual property we create. And we are not only strong in comparison with other producers of intellectual property in Canada, but we can also hold our own internationally.
At the NRC, we have deliberately invested heavily into the infrastructure that is essential for the management of intellectual property. We are unique within the federal government in that we have our own team of patent agents.
We have invested in expert business development staff throughout our organization. We also have set up a team of business experts, located in our new corporate business office, who are skilled in putting together the large and complex collaborations NRC is involved with.
Imagine the challenge of sorting out IP and business issues in an agreement involving three government departments, four universities, and five firms. NRC does this all the time because such large cooperative, multi-player collaborations are what drive science today.
We have also invested in training, orienting and rewarding our staff right down to the lab bench. Our intellectual property orientation course is given across Canada in all our labs. Our rewards and recognition programs, in particular, our royalties awards program, and our promotion system for researchers also place a premium on participating in commercially oriented activities.
We certainly have lots of successes to point to. However, a key question is, could NRC do better?
The OAG found that we rated high marks for how we handle the IP that our scientists create; however, we need to improve when it comes to identifying whether IP is expected to arise from procurement contracts. NRC agrees with the recommendation, and our procurement office is already working with our central business office to review existing procedures in this area with a view to implementing improved practices, training, and guidelines.
Over the years, NRC has worked hard not only to strengthen its own technology transfer activities, but also to show leadership in the federal community. We are the home agency for the Federal Partners in Technology Transfer, the umbrella organization that supports all technology transfer activities in the federal government.
To finish, I would like to say a few words about something that is of fundamental importance in looking at the strategic management of IP: the question of whether we are producing and protecting the right IP.
Disclosure review is a new tool, which the Office of the Auditor General found to be noteworthy and which we find very useful. Under this program, intellectual property and business experts carry out both patentability and marketability assessments at the stage when a scientist invents something. Even at this very early stage, we ask not only whether an invention could be patented, but also whether we should invest in protecting and perfecting it.
Our records show that we are very successful in creating value for Canadians from science and technology. Last year, we signed over 100 new licence agreements for technological innovations and generated close to $9 million in royalties. Our spinoff companies have attracted close to half a billion dollars in investment and accounted for over 600 full-time jobs.
A great example of this success is IMRIS, an NRC medical devices spinoff firm that develops interoperative magnetic resonance technologies, or MRI. Earlier this month, this Manitoba-based firm, which is traded on the Toronto Stock Exchange, reported third-quarter 2009 financial results highlighted by record sales and growth in revenues and profit.
In closing, NRC is committed to not only maintaining this record, but also improving it. Creating intellectual property, protecting it and transferring it—this is NRC.
Thank you, Mr. Chair.