Industry Canada is now maybe a bit farther along than some other departments because the laws around intellectual property are in our portfolio, but basically the way it works is that you get a contractor to do something, you agree that there is some intellectual property there, and then the policy is that, all other things being equal, the contractor has the right to exploit and commercialize that property.
But as the Auditor General said, there are some exceptions to that. Last year was the first year that we got really good data on this, so we looked at the Industry Canada data. We had 222 contracts of over $25,000. Of those, 50 contracts were identified as having some intellectual property associated with them: 32 in which the contractor wanted to keep that intellectual property and try to commercialize it; and 18 in which the crown retained the ownership.
The Auditor General said we had to make sure we had good reasons to do this. Just in round numbers, 44% of the ones we retained were kept because we had to disseminate them publicly, and if we gave ownership of the IP to the contractor, we couldn't do that. So it was in the interests of transparency that we kept this relatively small number of IP rights with the government.