Okay, great.
For my first question, I'm going straight from the Auditor General's statement today, in paragraph 14, which was, “We found that INAC had no agreements on child welfare services with three of the five provinces we covered in our audit.” That may have been covered by part of the answer you gave to Mr. Kramp, I accept that, but that would be my question flowing from that.
By the way, just to put something positive in there, I would agree with the chair and underscore that it may seem like very little, but the fact that you've been there, Deputy, two and a half years you said, that's a huge win. There was a time when we sat here and we had at least three, I think we were on our fourth deputy, or you were our fourth. It was just unbelievable. We couldn't get any traction because they kept changing the deputies. So congratulations on surviving. Sometimes surviving is winning.