I would say daily. It would depend on the issue and what the structures are.
You probably would call it bureaucracy, but we have a lot of committees, depending on the issue. We work very closely with Health Canada on child issues and health and family services issues. There are committees where people get together, depending on what the issue is. If it's economic development, we're heavily involved with agencies like Western Economic Diversification, ACOA, and so on.
I have a group, which I call my “foreign ministry”, of people who do nothing but chase other departments and try to work with them. Some of the arrangements are formal memoranda of understanding and some of them are just personal contacts. In every region of the country, for about 20 years, there's been something called the federal council, where the most senior person in each department gets together with all of their colleagues. They do that on at least a monthly basis, and we're part of that.