The day's not over, right?
My next question comes from paragraph 16: “Finally, we found that INAC has little information on the outcome of its funding on the safety, protection, or well-being”--I believe this was somewhat asked earlier, but I'd like to hear a more fulsome answer--“of on-reserve children. It does not know whether its program makes a positive or significant difference in the lives of the children it funds.”
Thirdly, you made reference in your opening statement to Jordan's Principle, and you said, “The federal government is implementing Jordan's Principle, with the provinces, so that the needs of children are addressed first.”
Yet in the Auditor General's report, on Jordan's Principle, exhibit 4.3, page 17, she says, in the last sentence:
However, in our view, a dispute-resolution mechanism will not work in the presence of irreconcilable differences and without a change in funding authorities. Such difficulties need to be resolved if this proposal is to result in better and timelier services to first nations children.
You're saying it's being implemented. The AG is pointing out a roadblock. I'd like to know how you're managing on that roadblock.
Also, you offered to give us a copy of the report for your meeting coming up in April. I'd like you to do that, but in addition would you send us the one from late last year? Because if I understood correctly, I think you said you meet twice a year and there are reports coming from that. You've offered to send us the next report. I wouldn't mind also seeing the last report, the one that wasn't offered.
There's more, but I'm out of time, so I'll leave it at that, Chair, and I'll leave it with you, Deputy.