I will ask two questions, one to the Auditor General and one to Mr. Wernick.
Madam Fraser, in your audit, you state that INAC “is informed of deficiencies” in meeting the requirements of provincial legislation and standards for child welfare services, and that “it should follow up to ensure that timely remedial actions are taken”. In what way can INAC ensure that the requirements of the provincial legislation and standards for child welfare services are met? If you could, I will ask that you park that question.
Mr. Wernick, have you developed an action plan with timelines and roles and responsibilities to address the issues that have been raised in this audit? If you go to page 13 and what the Auditor General has laid down, it appears that INAC doesn't know what it's doing. You've not analysed and compared services. There's variation in services. It does not know nationally how many children are placed in care, etc.
I don't want to repeat what has been going on. I just want to know. The only main indicator that you had as a performance indicator, or an indicator whereby you have outcomes, is that 82 first nations agencies are being funded. That's very loose, so could you tell us if you have something concrete and specific? If you do, could you send it to the committee?