We have, as you are aware, provided the Auditor General's office, and I believe members of this committee, with a detailed action plan on addressing each of the five recommendations. Clearly some of the items raised in the Auditor General's report predate that report and they have a certain history to them.
Our focus right now I believe is where it should be, which is on here and now, what do we need to do over the coming while to get the country in shape with respect to emergency management and to ensure that Public Safety Canada is exercising the necessary leadership that has to occur.
I can tell you I have reviewed in detail this departmental action plan. We have brought this to our departmental audit committee, which includes people who are external advisers. I am confident that this is thorough and that the timelines are reasonable, although I must tell you, as deputy minister, I will be pushing hard to see if we can get some of these things done even sooner, recognizing that it's not the only thing we do. But certainly I'll be seeking to see early implementation of all of these recommendations, and we will move forward on this. In fact, I look forward to reporting on progress on our implementation of these in the months and years to come.