There have been a number of steps, starting with geographic focus, as we just discussed. There has also been a thematic focus, which are the three thematic priorities Minister Oda has laid out. Beyond those thematics, which are understandably fairly broad, we have zeroed in on some core elements that we think will have the greatest impact in terms of need. They are also where Canada can bring a special degree of attention.
So we are focusing within the focus in our thematics, and we are focusing within our countries on sub-elements of our thematics.
Another particularly important area that has now been addressed is that Canada has moved to untie all its food assistance. This allows the World Food Program, for example, to source food assistance in the most responsive and cost-effective way. That can increase the value of every Canadian dollar by 20% to 30%, which is very efficient. And sometimes the food aid can be sourced in the country.
We are also moving to untie all of our assistance by 2012-13, and that will have a huge impact in terms of the effectiveness of our assistance. So I think a number of these major steps...
The final step that I'll mention is that the government started with budget 2007, but we are also moving to put more of our resources and our people and our functions in the field so we can be more responsive. Again, this is something Canada has been criticized for by the OECD. We're taking a number of concrete steps, which we can go into if you want, but I think that will make us more effective on the ground.