Thank you, Chair.
Thank you all for your presence.
I want to follow up on the foundation that Madame Deschamps has laid. We're both active on the executive of the Canada-Africa Parliamentary Association. However, I want to take a higher macro-overview. Chair, I'm respecting what you said earlier, and I agree entirely. If you think I've crossed the line, I know that you'll bring me back, but I'll do my best not to do that at all.
I want to raise the issue of the procedure that was applied, given your response about consultation. With the KAIROS funding, there doesn't seem to have been a lot of consultation, given the outrage that I'm hearing from across the country. These are social justice groups, they're faith organizations, they do good work, and they've lost $7 million that they were expecting from October 2009 to December 2013.
I cannot ask you about the decision to cut, but I think it's fair for me to ask you about the procedure this went through. I'd like to suss out how much of this procedure was problematic, given the audit that we have in front of us. And I would ask the same question regarding the funding to countries in Africa. I raised this earlier when the auditor first tabled this report. We had an extraordinary meeting with 10 to 12 ambassadors from Africa—you don't normally get that many at one time—who came to talk about the funding they were losing through CIDA. There couldn't have been a lot of consultation or they wouldn't have been as shocked as they were.
They couldn't understand why Canada, which had been a long-time friend of Africa, was throwing old friends overboard to make new friends. That was their phraseology. They couldn't understand why we were doing this to them. That's the way they saw it. They pointed out that they're a good friend to us on the international stage, where African countries try to vote as a bloc. They've always seen us as a tight ally. On issues we care about at the UN, we have almost 55 votes there that we might lose.
I can't ask you about the dollar decision, but I want to ask you about the procedures. What procedures did this go through? Help me understand how we went from funding to generating outrage. I want to know what procedure it went through—not the political decision but that process that you undertook at the bureaucratic level.